Opinion Posts

What To Call Toddlers Private Parts?

What do you call your toddlers private parts? Recently a friend of mine asked this quesiton on Facebook and the comments were AMAZING. Seriously if you need a good laugh you should totally ask this because some of the names people use are pretty funny. Here are a few from the list incase you don’t want to ask yourself: Wiener, Hooha, Coo-Ka, Lady Bits, Dingy, Tootsie, Peter, and my personal favorites Beaver/Hog.

However, in all seriousness this was a question that I also had when my oldest son was asking about private parts. I didn’t think much about it, but one day when I was at work my co-worker overheard me talking about the conversation that I had with my son. She was very admit that I needed to use the correct terms. She had a friend who’s kids had to testify in a molestation case and didn’t use the correct terms, which caused issues with the testimony. This scared the crap out of me so I try to use the correct terms as much as possible.

I did do some research myself on this topic and it seems that the recommendation is to use the standard terms (Penis & Vagina). This helps children to better avoid abuse, or talk about it if it happens. From the American Academy of Pediatrics: “In early childhood, parents can teach their children the name of the genitals, just as they teach their child names of other body parts. This teaches that the genitals, while private, are not so private that you can’t talk about them.”

What do you think? What do your kids call thier private parts? Comment below.

You can find more information here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/going-beyond-intelligence/201703/call-children-s-private-body-parts-what-they-are