Recipe Posts

DIY: Dehydrated Apple Chips

Since I planted 4 apple trees, I thought I better figure out what I’m going to do with all those apples once they start producing. Yes, I know I have about 10 years to figure this out, however, I knew it was destiny when had a dehydrator for sale. I purchased it and started dehydrating everything in my kitchen. Some of the stuff turned out great and some of the stuff turned into chicken food, however the Apple Chips were definitely the family favorite! After a few batches, I was able to perfect the process.

What you will need:

  • Dehydrator
  • Apple Peeler/Slicer
  • Bag of Granny Smith Apples (My dehydrator can hold about 6 apples)
  • Lemon Juice
  • Cinnamon and Sugar
  • Large Zip Lock Bag

Step 1

Start peeling and slicing the apples. This is the process that my little guy, Victor, likes to help out with the most. The ice cream bucket is for the chickens so his job is to take the peelings and put them in the bucket.

The apple peeler/slicer slices the apples and then I cut down the middle to make smaller chips. It’s a lot easier to work with this size I think.

Step 2

Put the apple slices in a bowl of water mixed with lemon juice. I put enough water in the bowl to cover the apples and then did about 1/2 cup of lemon juice. I never really measure the lemon juice but I really don’t think you can have too much either.

This is a good stopping point if you have other things you need to do. Since my son is young I normally do Steps 1 & 2 with him and then leave the apples soaking until he goes to bed to finish.


Step 3

Put some of the apple slices in a large zip lock bag and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Arrange the coated apple slices on the dehydrator making sure they do not touch.

Turn your dehydrator on and leave it running for about 8+ hours. Normally you should try and rotate the trays around, however I forgot and they still turned out great. I usually have mine run at night because that’s about the perfect amount of time.

Step 4

After about 8-10 hours the apples are done! I lay the trays out so they can harden up a little while I put the apples slices into bags. Victor did his taste test and gave it the thumbs up! 😉

Please comment below and let me know how your apple chips turned out! Did you add or do anything else to the recipe?